Showing: 7 RESULTS
dyslexia help, dyslexia parent, dyslexia child, dyslexia resource, dyslexia

Welby’s Tips for Helping Children with Dyslexia

When they are sad, cuddle. When they need a hand, give them your paw. Sloppy kisses solve a lot of problems. When they get it right, reward them with a joyful bark. Protect them from people who don’t understand. Show them they are very important to you. Guard them when they are afraid. When they …

dyslexia resource, dyslexia help, dyslexia parent, dyslexia child, dyslexia adult, dyslexia

“Your Other Left,” Dyslexia and Directions

If you have a dyslexic child, it is likely that something like the this has happened: “Please go to the left.” Your child promptly goes to the right. You smile slightly and say: “No, your other left.” Children with dyslexia do not just have reading issues. They also have problems with both a sense of …

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Dyslexics Are Amazing

Amazing is not a word many people associate with dyslexia. Unfortunately, dyslexic kids pick up a lot of negative labels. But, if you think about it, dyslexic children are amazing heroes. Courageous and Hard Working They spend enormous amounts of energy working around the limitations of our schools. Think of the effort needed to make …

dyslexia help, dyslexia child, dyslexia parent, dyslexia resource, dyslexia

Dyslexia Detected? Shields Up!

Hiding Dyslexia Children spend a huge amount of energy covering up dyslexia. A small child knows they are different from an early age. They see friends beginning to read. And, they want to do the same thing. But when a dyslexic kid tries to decode and understand letters on a printed page, things are so …

dyslexia detection,dyslexia diagnosis,dyslexia help,dyslexia parent

Dyslexia Clues

Does Your Child Have Dyslexia? Dyslexia tends to remain hidden. Children know they are different from friends who read easily. So dyslexic kids do their best to hide those differences. There are some common clues, however, that parents and teachers can use to see if a child has dyslexia. She or he: Avoids reading Refuses …

dyslexia help, dyslexia child, dyslexia parent, dyslexia shame, dyslexia resource

Get Rid of the Shame

Want to help a dyslexic child? Get them to feel they are not defective! Estimates of the number of people with dyslexia range from ten to twenty percent of the community. Think of that for just a second. That large a slice of the population would have a significant impact on the politics of any …

dyslexia,dyslexis help, identifying dyslexia,dyslexia parent, diagnosinging dyslexia

Treating Dyslexia as a Disease Hurts Kids

n Unnecessary Shame So many kids with dyslexia feel ashamed because their peers and the educational system treat them poorly because they are different. What a waste!. Studies have shown that 15% or more of the general population has dyslexia. If that many kids and adults have dyslexia, maybe we all need to change our …