For all the challenges of dyslexia, children, and adults with it tend to have very special gifts. And those gifts can help the dyslexic thrive.

Discovering and unlocking a dyslexic child’s gifts can be a fantastic experience for both the child and the parent. The treasure hunt for these gifts itself can dramatically boost the spirit, confidence, and self-respect of a child with dyslexia.

Un;lock Dyhslexic Gifts
Finding and Unlocking Dyslexic Gifts.

It can serve as a balance for all those times that the child felt they were different, or stupid, or “tainted” in some way. After all, they may be different because they have dyslexia, but if they are also different because they have special talents, then being different may not be as bad after all.

Patience is needed to uncover the hidden gifts of a child with dyslexia, but it is well worth the effort. Every one loves to find that they are great at something. For the dyslexic child, it is especially important.

The Special Gifts of Dyslexia

So, what are these special gifts and how do you find them?

The Gifts of Dyslexia
The Gifts of Dyslexia

First, let your dyslexic child know that they have special talents and the two of you are going to find them together. You can turn the hunt into a game with prizes, if you choose, for discovering a special talent.

Second, be open to all kinds of gifts, not just the ones we can identify now. Dyslexics like Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein had special gifts, but no one could name those gifts before these giants came along. Dyslexics have a way of surprising us with new gifts that make large contributions to society.

The gifts we can name now are impressive. Dyslexics have a wholistic, big-picture view, with a unique perspective, that is very helpful in solving difficult problems. It wouldn’t surprise me that, in the future, organizations and companies actively recruit dyslexics for this ability because it is so powerful.

As a parent, watch as your child solves the difficult problems they face. If you detect a pattern of unusual solutions, your daughter or son might have this special gift.

To develop it, challenge them with visual and audio games. Age-appropriate game apps can actually be a great tool for expanding problem solving talents. But monitor their game playing. Only you can determine if these games are helping them develop a talent or just fixation with playing.

Empathy for Others

Many dyslexics have an uncanny ability to detect the emotions of the people around them. This may result from a different brain structure. Or it could be because of the dyslexic child’s unfortunate familiarity with negative emotions.

The feelings of isolation and being different, the struggle to read and do basic bath, and the aftermath of being bullied all take a toll on the dyslexic child. They can also lead to a sensitivity to the feelings of others.

Children with dyslexia may feel the pain of others more than their non-dyslexic peers. And they often act to ease that pain.

What a wonderful gift, to be focused on the needs of others. Not only do the other people benefit, but the dyslexic child can develop an almost reflex action to help that serves them well when they are older.

There are many companies and organizations looking for people-oriented individuals. And dyslexics can excel in jobs that require an ability to relate to anyone.


Many dyslexics are highly creative. This gift of creativity can reveal itself in music or the arts. A dyslexic child who renders a perfect rendition of a song they have only heard once provides a possible clue. A child with dyslexia who produces detailed drawings that are years ahead of their peers can be another sign of unique creative ability.

Some dyslexics have an exceptional talent with movement. They show this through dancing or special athletic skills.

These are just some examples of the special gifts your dyslexic child may have. No list of possible talents can be all-inclusive.

As previously mentioned, dyslexics have ways of coming up with new types of talents that no one before them possessed. People with dyslexia can also have unique combinations of gifts. And they may possess off-the-charts talent in one or more gifts that breaks new ground.

Finally, the hunt for dyslexia-related gifts is a lifelong treasure hunt. As a parent, encourage the hunt whenever you can so your child will pursue it on their own. This is a special gift you can give your child.

Dan is author of Loving Your DyslexicA Heart-to-Heart Discussion of How to Help Children and Adults with Dyslexia

Article Name
Dyslexia Treasure Hunt
People with dyslexia tend to have fantastic gifts that can be used to help themselves and the lives of others. Discovering these gifts can be a lot of fun.